Nofap is very very hard, and you can not make it through without internal motivation and some accountability tools.
Yeah, you can say that you don’t need them if you are very focused on your goals and have a hell of a lot of self-confidence inside yourself, however, if you are a normal person like me, who struggles hard to pass days on Nofap then these resources can help you.
Here in this article, I’ll discuss a list of great online tools that will help you in your journey. I’ve tested them and they worked for me fine, not only me but many people have given positive feedback about them.
1: Reboot Cure: A Helpful Guide
Reboot Cure is filled with some powerful and amazing tips that’ll make you feel motivated to complete your Nofap journey.
A complete course which is specially designed to help those who are suffering badly. The benefit of investing in Reboot Cure is that you can read it in your free time to learn techniques to suppress cravings in nervy moments.
I’ve used the techniques mentioned in Reboot Cure to beat my addiction and fight for myself and my dignity. I also promote it on my site, you can click here to visit the page. It has 7 days (No question asked) refund policy.
2: Covenant Eyes – Best Accountability Tool
By far the best accountability software online. Using it will empower you to overcome your addiction faster.
People are seeing results after using it. It gives control to your accountability partner. So whenever you open any “X Rated Site”, your partner receives the notification about it.
Also, this software uses incredibly advance AI to detect whether the site you open contains any nudity in it or not. With other porn blockers, you are always in danger because there are millions of porn sites, and it is easy to pass their shield, causing a failure. Trust the best.
It isn’t that expensive as well. You can spend around 16 Bucks to acquire services of Covenant eyes.
Check it here for the best offers!!
I know most of you are aware of this site, but those who don’t know about it are missing a lot of things.
It is the biggest community of Nofappers, join the threads, ask questions, help someone, get help from someone, this site has everything you need, most importantly, there you’ll have the support that you require the most.
You can create your account by signing up, and you are ready to go. Also, they have an emergency button, you can press it whenever you are about to break the streak.
4: Man Don’t Fap (Wonderful app)
I actually like this app, I haven’t seen many people talking about it but this app is fabulous. It isn’t like every app which counts how many days you’ve passed on Nofap, this app contains almost everything. wallpapers, count vs attempts, lessons from relapses, and some amazing things
On the google play store, it has received 4.6/5, and on the App store 4.8/5 which tells how much love it has received from users. Install it, if you haven’t already!
5: My Facebook Group
Join by clicking here!
The group is thriving. Recently hit a milestone of thousand members. Group is filled with those people who are masters in self-control, and they share their experiences with us almost daily by their posts.
Sitting in a room and resisting won’t work for long. You have to find new ideas, and this is the time to do it. Engage more with people not with porn.
6: Reddit Community – Get a new grip on life
Trusted by more than 700k people, do I need to say something more. It is just mind-boggling. You’ll find every NoFap related QnA. It is the most active community also. You will get help almost instantly.
7: FightTheNewDrug.Com
Fight the New Drug is a nonprofit anti-pornography organization founded in 2009. Their mission is to make people aware of the harmful effects of porn in life.
Their posts are based on facts and contain good information on how porn is destroying you and cutting you from the outside world. Also, it is the most popular and trusted website.
8: A World Without Porn (Best Book By Far)
It is written by my friend Frank, and he knows what kind of difficulty a person faces when he decides to start his Nofap journey.
This book is on point and covers everything that you need to know and also it is motivational.
9: Best Infographics
Porn and C*caine are similar in many ways, don’t believe me? Click here to see
Dopamine a hormone that is responsible for happiness, see how it gets affected by PMO
What to do and what not to do, see in this amazing infographic!
Here are some mind-blowing stats about internet pornography, See!
10: Best YouTube Channels
Videos are always going to work better than articles. Reading requires good concentration levels, but it is not the case in videos.
Many YouTubers cover NoFap related topics, but some of them really inspire us to complete our journey.
And here are my best picks!
These YouTubers are doing a tremendous job in helping people like me. Watch their work, it’s awesome!
Thanks for reading!