14 Powerful Foods For NoFap

  • Author: Sumit
  • Published: September 29, 2019
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  • 14 Powerful Foods For NoFap

Food plays a key role in health and mental stability, you need both good health and better mental stability to conquer the nofap challenge.

You may not see the results of nofap that you are looking for if you are not consuming healthy foods.

I have made a list of foods that helped me to pass all the stages of nofap and encouraged me to complete my nofap journey.

These foods provide you the essential nutrition which can boost your overall health and helps your dopamine levels get back to normal quickly.

(Dopamine:- Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that activates the pleasure and reward system in the brain)

Here is the list of 10 foods that you should eat while nofap.

nofap foods

Foods For Dopamine

1:- Almonds 

Almonds and other nuts contain lots of tyrosine, which will get those dopamine levels up.

The protein within almonds contributes to their cardioprotective effect. The amino acid tyrosine, a part of the protein, specifically contributes to the manufacture of dopamine. (1)

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2:- Cheese

Cheese is another great source of tryptophan. A yummy favorite you could make is mac and cheese that combines cheddar cheese with eggs and milk, which are also good sources of tryptophan.

Discover How To Finally Put An End To Your Porn Addiction!

Sumit is a chemical engineer and a motivational speaker. He is a regular contributor to MrMindBlowing.com.


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  1. I have taken nofap challenge. I did it successfully for 3 days. Before that success was for 2 days. But yesterday I again watched some nude image of actresses and MOed to them. I again relapsed. I need some advice

  2. Bro dont worry … I am also doing nofab frm last 15 days.. And now whenever my serum increases .. I come out of my room .. And site along with my parents.. And now i never feel of watching porn … And im feeling great .. And after 10 or 15 days .. U must start doing exercise and maditation.. And The main thing is that .. U r doing a task what 95% people fail to do . Just keep ur mind busy on other things .. And dont take heavy meal for 1 month .. Because it may increase ur serum .. And u may relapse .. Bro dont worry .. I am also soing any it really feels good to do a work .. Which ,95% fail …And one bonus tip.. U should keep patience .. And results u not not get in 1 day .. After 30 days slowly u will start getting results.. And u should not relapse after30 days …. Do it for 1 yr .. And u will be a great man

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