For some people, it’s a dream to complete 180 days on NoFap. However, their dreams remain dreams because they struggle to spend even a day without watching porn and busting their nut to it.
The reason why I’m writing this post is that I wanna let you know what you gonna experience when you will overcome the most powerful addiction, porn, and masturbation.
Believe me, I am the same guy who use to bust his nut every day twice, and now, I teach people how to stay away from porn and masturbation for a better life.
If I can do this, you can definitely do this.
NoFap is hard I can not deny the fact that 99% of people fail before completing the challenge of 90 days. However, if you learn how to control your mind in a tough situation where you are an inch closer to relapse you’ll feel like it is the easiest thing to do.
Fapping was in my daily routine. I used to spend hours searching for the best porn that can make me feel satisfied. I went to a stage where I used to feel pain in the penis after erection.
If you are also feeling pain after ejaculation then it’s a sign that you have become a PMO zombie.
You need to stop before it gets worse. It could make you impotent, and I’m not scaring you at all.
Have you ever felt that your penis isn’t getting erect even after watching the filthiest of porn?
If yes then you are at the edge of ED. But don’t worry, I was also at the same stage however I somehow managed to bring myself back and become normal like everybody else.
The main reason that helped me beat my biggest enemy is NoFap. I don’t know, how my life would be like if I hadn’t chosen nofap.
I think I’m lucky enough that I got to know the truth in my early 20’s. There are a lot of people who are above 30 and still live fake life.
Above 30? Don’t worry because it’s Better late than never.
Kick out all the DVDs that you have collected throughout your life. Delete all the data that you have saved on your PC.
Now it’s a time to wake and change yourself. F*CK porn, F*CK that fake shit.
Live a real-life and enjoy real things.
I Have Worked My Ass Off To Create This Porn Recovery Program For You, —–> REBOOT CURE
Why You Keep Failing On NoFap?

It is not because you are a loser and failing is your day-to-day routine but actually, you fail because you don’t know what to do, what action to take while you face the urges.
You need to find out the alternative to porn, what do you like most besides porn and masturbation? Ask yourself.
Like in my case, I love playing football (soccer), I just love Messi, and I also like Ronaldo.
Even just thinking about football gives me chills, and eliminates those thoughts present in my mind quickly.
90 Days complete guide, build only for you, —–> Reboot Cure
You also need to find that hidden alternative inside you that could turn your life upside down.
It could be anything, but make sure you don’t go crazy and start to take drugs and cocaine shit, you know, that could be more disastrous as compared to fapping.
You Need To Learn How To Manage Your Day
Time management is the most crucial skill. If you learned this skill, I guarantee you, you’ll gonna be successful in the future for sure.
Most of the people who fail on NoFap lack this skill. It is hard to manage time in the beginning however when you stick to it then it becomes a habit for life.
Time management makes nofap less hard and gives you time to work on your skill rather than spending time watching fake shit.
Read More:
- The NoFap Advantage: How to Achieve a 150% Boost in Testosterone
- Embracing Empowerment: The Rise of Women in the NoFap Movement
- NoFap Sleep: Does NoFap Improve Sleep Quality
- NoFap From Day 1 to 200 With Suggestions and Real Experience
- 7 Stages of the NoFap Timeline
Here are some pro tips from ProofHub
Credit: ProofHub
1: Wake Up Early
All of us get 24 hours in a day. Though it’s not possible to change the number of hours in a day you can definitely try waking up a little earlier and make your day longer than others. Ideally, your body needs 6–8 hours of sleep to be at your optimum energy levels.
Begin with setting up your alarm 15 minutes earlier than before and increase the time frame with the course of time.
2: Setup Daily Goals, and don’t just wish, do
Do you know that there is a right and wrong way to establish goals? When your goals are not receiving benefits, something is missing or lacking in your approach. Whereas if you set goals the correct way, your productivity could reach the sky.
Set goals that are S.M.A.R.T. — Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. These goals would make a solid structure for your work life and prepare you for what’s in store for you today.
3: Keep Mornings For Most important tasks
Mark Twain once said, “Eat a live frog every morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.”
His point is to tackle the most important task the first thing in the morning. And, if you have two or more frogs to eat, eat the biggest one first.
(Hey, Do porn and masturbation preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself? If yes then please check out Reboot Cure once Featured in TheGuardian, Inc, Forbes).
The Benefits That I Got
Now it’s time to tell you the benefits that I have got.
1: Feeling Happy All The Time
Life feels so good, and I also find it easy to come back after a defeat.
2: I’m Feeling Powerful
I used to feel weak after fapping but now I feel like I have developed into Super Saiyan mode.
3: I Feel Comfortable While Talking To A Women
I used to be very awkward in front of girls, I didn’t have enough courage to ask any girl to hang out or go on a date with me but now, I am noticing that girls getting attracted to me.
4: From Lazy To Active
Now I work hard with concentration. It is because my dopamine level has increased and I find even boring things interesting.
5: My Immunity Has Increased
Now I don’t get a fever and cold easily. The last time when I had that when I just started nofap, in the beginning, since then, I haven’t even got a common cold.
6: Improved Stamina
I used to get tired even after playing football for just 15 mins. After spending 30 days on nofap, I found out that I can play football for 90 mins straight.
Now I play for my college team as a central attacking midfielder. My jersey number is 10.
I know how it feels after a relapse, and that is why I have created a program that’ll help you quit porn and masturbation addiction, check out Reboot Cure (Featured in TheGuardian, Inc, Forbes)
Don’t Be A Fool
The porn industry is just there to do the business, to sell you the subscription. You don’t know the reality. Those porn stars are depressed, but they don’t show you because if they’ll do, their business will fall.
Many porn stars have committed suicide because they were trapped in the industry.
And, I have a question for you. How do feel after masturbation? Sad, right? So why not quit it, why not live a life that you dream of.
You got only one life, Thanks for reading
I hope this article helped you somehow. Comment down, I’ll reply to everyone.
I lost some rupees somehow . Anyway, now I have decided to quit PMO at any cost. I tried many website blockers, Ad blockers , parental controls like Google Family Links . But they all are useless in the sense that first of all they are not free and they charge a huge amount from us saying that they will block adult websites . But couldn’t actually do any good. (Although Google Family Links is free , but very complex ). Google is improving its other apps like Google Search , Youtube, Chrome. It’s adding privacy and security to Chrome but couldn’t add a website blocker till now. I think Google indirectly wants no one would get rid of porn. My two months experience with google family link was terrible . It completely damaged my phone. I had to buy a new one. Still I was watching porn to masturbation. Now it’s time to say goodbye to all of this. I decided to do yoga Like Sambhavi Mudra and Simhagarjanasana.
Thank you Sumit for such a good Blog . I am very grateful to you.
Thanks Gyana for staying with me ????
I again failed after one day. I didn’t watch p**n but I watched hot models to m*****bate Which is a little bit scary afterward . I think I need a lot of motivations.
May God Help Me !
Take nofap as a game…What do you do when you lose in a game? You try again, right? Do the same and you’ll taste success for sure!
suffering from joint pain like cant climb stairs and heart palpitation due to m***n.stopped it 53 days ago .Lets see what happen after 180 days.
Are you still feeling that joint pain while climbing stairs, even after 53 days of nofap?
I’m on day 23 of nofap/semen retention (hard mode) and I’d like to share the benefits with everyone who has started this journey or is about to.. The first 7 days are the hardest but don’t get discouraged. I noticed that after 7 days, my hair stopped falling off and my eczema left me.. I used to have really bad skin. Also I no longer have dry scalp. My hair stopped itching and feels stronger. My voice got deeper and my focus and concentration increased, also I had huge burst of confidence. I also started waking up earlier than usual. 14 days in, my confidence grew more and I started feeling like a lion. Like.. I’m the king of the jungle or something but I feel “in charge” as if the alpha male in me has awakened.. Hope it makes sense.. Now I’m on the 3rd week and realized that you tend to take more risks.. you become bold and fearless and when you fail, you feel more motivated to do better instead of beating yourself up about it. I used to do that a lot but now it’s like I’m swimming in positive energy. I hope the truth that I shared with you guys will motivate you to stay strong and disciplined so you can reap the benefits like I have been doing. This is real…!!
Edward, Thanks for sharing your experience with us. It is very motivational!
My question is how can I overcome bedwetting(u know what I mean) during nofap challenge?
Help me sir is it bad or just wash it out?
Nightfall isn’t bad if it is not regular. I have written an article with detail, check here. I have given every answer related to Nightfall.