How To Stop Watching Porn- 11 Life-Changing Tips

  • Author: Sumit
  • Published: May 9, 2020
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  • How To Stop Watching Porn- 11 Life-Changing Tips

We all wanna know how to stop watching porn because porn is a stigma to humankind. It makes us feel guilty, it forces us to think negatively, and it makes us feel depressive.

I hate porn, and I know you also hate it, but the fact is we all struggle while stopping ourselves from falling into the darkness of porn.

Pornography addiction is more powerful than any addiction according to researches.

When the cravings of porn hit anyone, they waste hours and hours watching porn without thinking about the damage that porn can do to their brain.

From the past year, I’ve discovered some powerful tips that could help anyone quitting the habit of watching porn.

So, without further ado, let’s start the list of 11 tips that can help you stop watching porn.

1: How To Stop Watching Porn With The Help Of Meditation

I have ranked meditation number 1 on the list because it is the most effective thing that you can do to stop the addiction to pornography.

Meditation gives your brain strength and power that helps to eliminate the thoughts that come to your mind and forces you to watch porn.

Practicing even 10 minutes or 15 minutes of meditation can affect your daily life significantly.

Many yogis and monks practice meditation daily. They know how powerful meditation is for them to control their urges.

Meditation also improves concentration levels. High concentration levels can help you concentrate on things that are more important for you than pornography.

According to psychology today, meditation can make you calmer, kinder, and smarter.

Since I included meditation in my daily routine, I hardly get thoughts of porn and masturbation. Also, meditation helps me stay cool in any situation.

I highly recommend you try adding meditation to your daily routine and I guarantee you, you’ll see the effects of meditation in a couple of weeks for sure.

Which type of meditation is right for you?

There are 6 types of meditation according to HealthLine, and all the 6 types of meditation are beneficial for you but I recommend you do mindfulness meditation because mindfulness meditation originates from Buddhist teachings and is the most popular meditation technique in the West.

In mindfulness meditation, you pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You don’t judge the thoughts or become involved with them.

You simply observe and take note of any patterns. This practice combines concentration with awareness.

You may find it helpful to focus on an object or your breath while you observe any bodily sensations, thoughts, or feelings.

This type of meditation is good for people who don’t have a teacher to guide them, as it can be easily practiced alone.

(Hey, Do porn and masturbation prevent you from becoming the best version of yourself? If yes then please check out Reboot Cure once Featured in TheGuardian, Inc, Forbes).

2: Understand The Pattern

Have you ever thought about what causes you to leave everything, lay on the couch, and just watch porn for hours? I know most of you would have thought about it once but have you done anything to break the pattern?

We all know how bad porn could be for our health, confidence, and future but we still watch it and waste our precious time that never going to come back again.

Life is short, we should enjoy it, not by watching porn but by tasting success in life, getting the love of our dream, and by doing such things that make us feel super happy.

You have to understand what causes you to relapse. Make a list of all the triggers that cause relapse, and make a plan for how you can break the pattern if next time cravings for porn hits you.

You can take the ideas from this list.

If you succeed in understanding the pattern and breaking it, then it would be easy for you to not watch porn.

3: Go Outside

Whenever I feel like I am gonna lose the battle going on my mind between porn and productivity, I go outside and refresh my mind by meeting friends and having a conversation with them, or I just go outside the room and enjoy free time with myself.

It always works for me and it will work for you also.

I’ve never thought when I will grow old, I will get the addiction to pornography, but because of the internet, porn industries are growing big, and they are investing their money in advertising websites related to porn.

That is why a lot of people are becoming addicted to it, and the shocking thing is that the govt. isn’t ain’t any action against them because of the taxes they pay to the government, they are also a part of the economy nowadays, and that’s funny.

Porn destroys your social skills. It makes you feel uncomfortable while meeting new people, giving the interview for a job, and in a lot of other situations, where require good social skills.

I Have Worked My Ass Off To Create This Porn Recovery Program For You, —–> REBOOT CURE

4: Using 5 second technique

This 5-second rule is a little different.

The rule is pretty simple, whenever you are feeling the thirst for porn just count back to five while thinking about the benefits that you’ll get after quitting porn.

I always think about the confidence that I’ll get after quitting porn while performing the 5-second rule.

Because of this rule, I haven’t watched porn for more than 6 months, and now I’m seeing the benefits of it like high confidence, improved self-motivation, improved social skills, and many many more.

You cant find anything simpler and effective technique than this, you just need to count back to 5, it is that simple and easy.

5: Using rubber band technique

The rubber band technique helps you to stop unwanted thoughts from coming to your mind.

To perform this technique, you’ll require a rubber band, place the rubber band on either wrist and when you start to have sexually inappropriate thoughts, snap the rubber band on the inside of your wrist.

This sets up a cycle in your head that says “fantasy = pain” instead of “fantasy = pleasure.” The body is designed to evade pain, and so this will decrease the number of fantasies that you are having, and ultimately lessen the inappropriate thoughts so that you can concentrate on your freedom. (Credit: Reddit)

6: Cold showers

It is one of the most powerful ways to control the urges of porn. I have written an article on the benefits of cold showers in which I have mentioned 10 awesome benefits of cold showers.

Cold showers instantly change your mood with ease and remove the lusty thoughts wandering in your mind.

Many studies have found cold showers beneficial for our bodies and brain. It also boosts the immune system.

A cold shower increases the number of white blood cells in your body. These blood cells protect your body against diseases.

Researchers believe that this process is related to an increased metabolic rate, which stimulates the immune response.

90 Days complete guide, build only for you, —–> Reboot Cure

7: Understand how porn affects our brain

According to the great Vivekananda, even one single thought of sex or porn can decrease your brain’s strength significantly.

Swami Vivekananda was a celibate (he who refrain from marriage life for sake of Spiritualism), and therefore, he had trained his Mind to reject unwanted thoughts.

Porn affects your brain’s rewarding system. It affects dopamine, it is the same chemical that is responsible for happiness.

When you quit watching porn and engage yourself in other activities it makes your brain feel happy and fixes your dopamine rewarding system, ultimately, happiness.

8: Look yourself in the mirror before watching porn

It will give you a sense of reality. It will make you feel embarrassed, and also it will give you a tight slap that will shift your mind and throw you on the right track.

Why watch porn, to get anxiety? stress? less confidence? is this what you want from your life. If your answer is “Yes” then please stop reading and go watch porn but if your answer is “No” then why you are still doing it, why you are still watching porn and masturbating, why you are losing the energy that can help you succeed in your life?

Remember, only you can change yourself, nobody has the power to change you because it is only in your hands.

I know, after reading this post, you will get confidence and you will think that now it enough but the reality is, no blog post, no videos, and no program can help you, they can only provide you a path but only you have to follow that path to get success.

Read More:

9: Watch ted talks

Ted talks can inspire you. I watched a ted talk by Eli Nash, and it is a must-watch if you want to quit the addiction.

He shared his story of how he escaped porn addiction. When I watched this video, I felt very motivated, motivated to end the addiction.

10: Reading inspirational articles or books

Articles that inspire you to quit porn could be really helpful for you. The book published by Garry Wilson called “Your Brain On Porn” is one of the best books I have ever read on porn addiction.

I highly suggest you buy and read it once. You can find the book easily on Amazon or any other major eCommerce site. It would cost you around 12$ or 800 rupees but it is worth reading.

I know how it feels after a relapse, and that is why I have created a program that’ll help you quit porn and masturbation addiction, check out Reboot Cure (Featured in TheGuardian, Inc, Forbes)

11: Join a community

More than 600k people have joined the Nofap movement on Reddit and to change their life and quit porn addiction.

I am also a part of the movement. There are a lot of people like you sharing their experience every day on how they conquered the Nofap challenge. These stories will boost your motivation to complete the nofap challenge and escape porn addiction.

You can ask the community members for help whenever you are about to quit, they will surely help you.

“Thanks For Reading”

Discover How To Finally Put An End To Your Porn Addiction!

Sumit is a chemical engineer and a motivational speaker. He is a regular contributor to


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  1. Awesome one…I always pinch myself to train my brain not to think about uncontrollable sexual thoughts. According to skinners operant conditioning it is working.

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